Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Notes

Continuing with writing up and posting my reviews for the films I saw at Cinecon 45 last weekend - posting here. Slow-going on this because I have been down with a really bad cold and even worse cough that has been worse this weekend than it has been all week (I literally coughed ALL night last night - I am worn out). I went to bed early last night (7 pm) to try and get some rest, then got up early (7:30 am) and managed to watch a movie "High School Confidential (1958)" that I happened to just catch at the beginning on TCM (I enjoyed the film - lots of campy fun - though really was too sick to write up any sort of review for it).

Hopefully I will feel well enough soon to get to watching my Netflix rentals (I have two recent films, plus the new Criterion release of "The Last Days of Disco (1998)" waiting to be watched). I am going to try to watch George O'Brien in "Fig Leaves" soon, plus I have stacks of silents on DVDs that I haven't watched yet, including that new Murnau, Borzage and Fox box set - and when am I going to get to watching my Houdini set which I've had for awhile now?!! Hmm - not movie related, but when will I ever get to watching my "That Girl" sets (I have season 1 and 2, so far) - when I was a kid I thought it would be great to be just like Ann Marie (you know - long, dark hair, work as an actress/model, a cool apartment, a devoted boyfriend, and so many groovy mini-dresses you never had to wear the same one twice).

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