Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mr. Soft Touch (1949) Film Review - Glenn Ford

Plot Summary - Glenn Ford stars as Joe Miracle, first seen heading into San Francisco in a stolen car, a paper bag full of $100,000 cash on the seat. Seems he held-up the River Club, himself the former owner, but the club was taken over by mobsters. Joe meets up with friends, the Christopher's, a husband and wife, who have gotten him a ticket to get out of town day after next on a boat to Japan. Joe gets himself arrested for disturbing the peace so he can hide out in prison for a day, the cops mistake him as the husband Mr. Christopher (a wife beater, by the way) - but a young social worker, Jenny Jones (Evelyn Keyes), steps in and gets his sentence suspended, and Joe put into her custody. Off they go to stay at "Settlement House", a charity house for down and outers. Joe is soon putting up Christmas decorations, sleeping in the men's dorm (his gun tucked under his mattress), and helping with the neighborhood kids and street toughs (sort of like the Dead End Kids) at the house. Trying to keep himself hidden from the mob who are after him for the loot, Joe meanwhile is busy hitting on Miss Jones - but she thinks he's a married man!

Review - Cute film, all set around Christmas time so you could call this a holiday film. The film starts out looking like a film noir and later heads into sort of semi-comedy with just a touch of humor. Of course, I just love Glenn Ford - such a doll - so I pretty much enjoy all of his films. Evelyn Keyes is fine in this, though her part is a touch bland and the romance element minimal here. Rating - 8/10 stars

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