Monday, June 29, 2009

Revolutionary Road (2008) Film Review - Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio

Plot Summary - Dark and complex drama set in the mid-1950s, following a couple (Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet) and their brittle personal relationship. Everyone considers Frank and April Wheeler a "special couple" - Frank and April think so too! But they feel like their life is in a rut, that they've bought into what everyone is "supposed" to do, and that is not what makes them happy - - they have a nice suburban Connecticut house, two kids, good job for dad in the city where he sits in a cubicle all day at a job he hates, takes martini lunches with co-workers, and seduces a cute young secretary with martinis, then sleeps with her - all a day's work. April comes up with an idea to spark some life into their marriage - have hubby Frank quit his job and the family move to Paris, where April plans to take a secretarial job while Frank "finds himself" - a novel concept for fifties America. The plan in the works, Frank plans to quit his job - but an unforeseen promotion and unexpected pregnancy may stand in the way of their goal.

Review - This is a great film - dark, yes, but SO well done - the acting, the 50s setting perfectly duplicated, the story so absorbing. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet give absolutely outstanding performances in this film. Liked the scene early in the film where Leonardo's character heads via train into the city - all men in hats and lots of vintage cars - cool. Boy there was a lot of smoking and martini drinking in this, by the way - liked the "Vito's Log Cabin" nightclub they went to in one scene! A superbly done film - loved the music score in this too, done by one of my most favorites - Thomas Newman, which matched this film to a tea! One of the best films from 2008, I thought. Rating - 10/10 stars

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