Monday, June 22, 2009

New In Town (2009) Film Review - Renee Zellweger

Plot Summary - Romantic comedy. A big Miami-based food company wants to make product changes and downsize a plant they own which is located in a small town in icy Minnesota - and they send executive Lucy Hill (Renee Zellweger) there to get the job done. Lucy must quickly adapt to the cold weather, the unusual accents, and the small town environment. As the plant's newest manager, hard-driving Lucy ends up getting off on the wrong foot with the workers and the locals who live in this town that is so different from what Lucy is used to. She even manages to make an enemy of local hunk/Union rep. Ted Mitchell (Harry Connick Jr.). But after he rescues her after her car is trapped in a snow bank, Lucy begins to warm to him and in the way of all filmland, the couple that hates each other begins to have a romantic fling. Soon Lucy begins to take to the small town surroundings and the kindly, un-jaded attitudes of the townsfolk who are into stuff like scrapbooking, ice fishing, and making tapioca. When the Miami bigwigs decide to shut down the plant entirely, Lucy steps in to try and keep the plant open and save the day for everyone who works there.

Review - Cute and sweet film (aww - I like scrapbooking!) - I didn't get this review written up as much as I should have, but I enjoyed the film and always like Renee Zellweger, who is very good in this. I even thought there was some chemistry between her and Harry Connick Jr. Filmed in Canada in 50 degrees below icy temperatures, this was! Rating - 8.5/10 stars

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