Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mulholland Drive (2001) Film Review - David Lynch directed

Plot Summary - A psychological thriller, set in Los Angeles - written and directed by David Lynch. A woman (Laura Harring) - just about to be executed at gunpoint by two bad guys - is in a car wreck on Mulholland Drive, then finds herself amnesia-bound, with no memory of who she is as she sneaks from the accident scene and into a nearby apartment. Actress Betty (Naomi Watts) comes to L.A. seeking stardom, and arrives the same day to stay in the apartment while her aunt, who owns it, is out of town. Oddly befriending the woman who is found camping in the apartment, the two join forces to solve the mystery of who this woman is. Meanwhile, a separate story involves a director who is being "coaxed" by some mafia types into hiring a certain actress for his new film. How these, and other - seemingly unrelated stories - piece together is the mystery of it - really the mystery!!

Review - Okay, this film is an odd one - and being written and directed by David Lynch, that's no surprise (hmm, the most bizarre film I've ever seen in my life, Eraserhead (1977), was his creation). I found the film confusing in a way - but thought-inspiring and, well, what I might call "creepy cool". The style of the film is interesting, tense, sort of mesmerizingly weird - with lots of facial close-ups, odd camera movements, and typical David Lynch background music and assortment of odd characters. Rating - 9/10 stars

1 comment:

Issa Litton said...

David Lynch is the bomb! I love his movies!