Sunday, February 15, 2009

In Bruges (2008) Film Review - Colin Farrell

Plot Summary - Thriller about two Irish hit men, Ray and Ken (Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson), who are holed up in Bruges, Belgium for two weeks awaiting orders from their boss (Ralph Fiennes). Ken enjoys the beauty of medieval Bruges but Ray would rather be in the Bahamas - he hates Bruges. When the order finally comes, Ken is secretly assigned to kill his pal Ray because of a botched hit in which Ray accidentally killed a small boy. But Ray has other problems as well, as he becomes tormented and suicidal about the boy's death. While in Bruges Ray also has encounters with a pretty blond drug dealer and an American dwarf who is in Bruges filming a movie.

Review - This is a really good film, with engaging conversations between the two main characters. The interaction between these men seems to take over the film above the actual crimes they are committing - the two have almost a comical, odd couple relationship. The setting in Bruges is gorgeous - now there's a city I need to add to my "to visit one day" list - wow, what a neat looking place. Rating - 9/10 stars

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