Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ghost Town (2008) Film Review - Ricky Gervais

Plot Summary - A romantic-comedy with a fantasy twist. Ricky Gervais plays Bertram Pincus, a NYC dentist who lacks people skills - basically just a loner who doesn't like people being around him. But one day after an operation in which he dies briefly on the operating table a strange thing happens - he can see ghosts! New York City is ghost town, full of lost spirits who have unfinished business and can't get to the other side. Dr. Pincus is the only living person who can see them, so the ghosts come to him for help - and he doesn't like the ghosts anymore than living people! The main ghost in this story is a dead husband (Greg Kinnear) seeking to ruin the new relationship of his wife (Tia Leoni), a woman who happens to live in Dr. Pincus' building. Comedy, romance, and ghost stuff to follow.

Review - This is a fun film - I love fantasies - I love ghost movies too - so not surprising I liked this. The ghostly special effects are well done, and - as usual - I tend to love films set in New York City! Lots of nice on-location scenes in the city, and a light touch of comedy here and there made for a nice watch. Rating - 8.5/10 stars

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